sunshadesBusinesses today are always looking for new opportunities to save money while increasing sales. As we continue into an age where the availability of resources and environmental initiatives are often questioned, there are many pragmatic options for companies to start going green. Although going green can be an initially larger investment, it can save a company money in the long-run. Here are a few ways that can help your business increase sustainability, starting with sunshades to help energy efficiency.

Many businesses often think that going green is expensive because you have to buy all of this new technology. Sunshades are not only inexpensive, but they can be incorporated into any type of company’s building to keep you cool and your utility bills low. Energy efficiency is about cutting down on the use of fuel while saving money, both of which can be achieved with sunshades. The awnings will cool down your offices by blocking out the suns rays, and in turn, will reduce the amount of time you will need to keep on your air conditioner.

Although investing in new technology that is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly is often the first thing that comes to mind when building a sustainable business, there are many other small changes you can make too. This can include:

  • Going paperless by encouraging email usage and reducing paper use by using both sides of the paper
  • Encourage recycling in the office with paper, plastics, and even ink cartriges
  • Change the lighting in your office to more energy efficient bulbs
  • Incorporate “going green” into you business model or mission statement
  • Utilize electronic invoices, documents and statements and cut down on postage
  • Purchase products and supplies from environmental product suppliers
  • Reduce electricity by using natural lighting or turning off and unplugging things that aren’t being currently used

Going green doesn’t have to be costly, in fact, it will save you money in the long run and can bring in customers moving towards social responsibility. Perfection Architectural Systems can help you in your mission to go green by installing environmentally friendly sunshades around your business. We use reusable and recyclable materials that cut down on energy costs while encouraging energy conservation and green initiatives. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to get started on your sunshades project.