Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust and has become the building material of choice for architects. The history of aluminum construction began in the late 1800s and early 1900s and has since been used in a variety of innovative ways. Its technological advancement has made aluminum one of the most used materials in construction not only because of its affordability, but because it can hold well over its weight, it can be as strong as steel, and it is recyclable. With its impressive range of opportunities, aluminum is one of the most diverse materials used in construction today.

Aluminum is attractive to architects because of its varied uses in the construction industry. With years of testing and design, it has been proven to protect—even in hurricane-type weather. Because of its malleability and structural properties, aluminum is able to withstand environmental catastrophes such as hurricanes, and with recent code enhancements and new standards, it will ultimately mean more protection for you.

Aluminum canopies are gaining popularity, and with its low cost and high advantages, aluminum has become one of the most popular modern roofing materials out there. Engineering of several types of aluminum roofs has been done to prove that they are able to withstand winds of up to 180 miles per hour, and are resilient enough to survive in hurricane prone regions such as Florida.

With hurricane season in full effect, our aluminum walkway cover systems are engineered to withstand the nation’s toughest building code requirements. Perfection Architectural Systems is here to provide you with the quality performance you expect out of a long-term canopy solution. To learn more about how Perfection Architectural Systems can provide you with your next architectural project, contact us at 1(800)238-7207 and we will be more than happy to provide you with the help you need.