Category Archive: Aluminum Canopies

Aluminum Canopies: Avoid Winter Weather Damage to Your Business

Ice, snow, sleet and freezing rain are just a few of the wearying weather elements that winter brings. Ice and snow can build up on your doorstep, making it inconvenient and even dangerous for people to come in and out. Freezing rain and sleet seem to soak right through your skin, leaving you cold and miserable for the rest of the day. If you have aluminum canopies installed over your business’s doors and windows, you and your customers can avoid the harsh weather elements and remain safe and warm.


Investing in a canopy or awning can bring a plethora of benefits to business owners.  Aluminum canopies double as advertisements when enhanced with brand names and logos, helping to bring curb appeal and recognition to your business. Commercial window canopies can shield window panes from weather damage during ice storms and blustery days. Having a commercial canopy installed over the entrance of your business will also help you to save money on energy costs during the summer months. You may not even need to board your windows or take any additional steps to protect your property in the event of a major weather incident, such as a hurricane.

As people naturally seek out shelter during inclement weather conditions, potential clients may end up congregating under your business’s aluminum canopy. Patrons attempting to exit or enter your establishments will be able to better recover from and prepare for unexpected snowfalls or downpours. Lower your liability risks by providing a safe and clear pathway that allows everyone on your property to maintain sure footing.

Business canopies can even make life easier for you and your employees. Salt sticks to concrete for longer periods of time when moisture is eliminated. Your workers will no longer need to shovel, salt and clear pathways as frequently with the addition of a stylish aluminum canopy. Increase productivity levels by reducing the amount of time your staff has to devote to weather related tasks.

The list of style options available for aluminum canopies is almost endless. Business owners can select from multiple materials, colors, styles and customization options to make a commercial canopy that captures their company’s brand and vision. Their primary purpose may be to help provide protection from harsh weather, but their secondary benefits are just as attractive. Make sure that you are properly prepared for the upcoming winter months by exploring your commercial and window canopy options. Contact Perfection Architectural Systems today and stay one step ahead of the weather.


A Cost Effective Way to Cool Your Business

Energy bills can become expensive and excessive for business owners. One of the most efficient forms of energy cost reduction comes from what is known as dynamic shading. According to the European Solar Shading Organization, canopies and awnings can help to significantly reduce energy costs by blocking solar energy. Fixtures are available for both windows and doors to assist in controlling interior temperatures.  In particular, aluminum awnings are effective at preventing heat from entering structures. Business owners who take advantage of this simple and impressive money saving method are better able to estimate and manage future energy costs.


Other perks of having aluminum awnings include gaining the ability to protect the exterior of your business from harsh weather. Rain, wind, snow and sleet can wear away at the exterior of a building. Energy efficient awnings can help to minimize the effects of unsavory weather conditions, as well as helping business owners to further drive their expenses down. These factors should help companies considering various energy reducing methods to come to a well-informed final decision.

Another advantage to installing aluminum awnings at your business location is the enhanced curb appeal that accompanies them. Since business awnings can be customized with company names and logos, business owners in certain industries may attract wider customer base with their implementation. All business owners can benefit by finding different direct advertising methods that work to draw in more customers.


Commercial canopies, too, offer energy savings to businesses, and they also can be used for weather proofing purposes. Businesses hosting outdoor events or looking to establish new communal areas regularly install canopies to keep their clients and workers cooler during warmer months. Consequently, indoor energy usage rates should naturally decline, as more people will decide to convene outside.  Canopies can also reduce rain and sun damage to your building’s exterior. These are just some of the ways that installing aluminum awnings and commercial canopies can help to save on overall energy costs.

Aluminum awnings and commercial canopies are affordable and efficient energy solutions for business owners. The costs associated with commercial canopy and aluminum awning installation can be quickly offset by way of future energy savings. Businesses seeking to cut spending should invest in aluminum awnings rather than spending vast amounts on centralized cooling and heating systems. Choose an energy savings method that virtually pays for itself within a short period of time. Learn more about our aluminum awnings today.


The Lifecycle of Recycled Building Materials

Perfection Architectural Systems takes pride in the fact that we use aluminum, a highly recycled and reused building material in our building process. By preventing useful building materials from contributing to landfills, we are reducing waste and contributing to a greener, cleaner world for generations to come. We also use careful analysis and specific measurements when ordering our materials, which helps ensure the proper amount so that there is minimal waste – and all of our scrap materials are sent to area recycling facilities to be converted back into usable materials for future projects.

Many builders are now turning to dismantling buildings and reusing materials for other building projects in the community to save on costs. Our goal is to make the use of building materials increasingly efficient and sustainable. Preventing useful materials from being sent to the landfill permanently has both short-term and long-term benefits. Short-term, recycling and reusing eliminates the need for new, costly building materials, thus reducing expenses. And long-term, we are helping decrease the growth of landfills, which are known to contribute to environmental pollutants such as methane, known to cause cardiovascular issues. Companies are also deconstructing homes and buildings and donating previously used materials to charitable organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. Not only is this process inexpensive and beneficial, it’s also extremely eco-friendly. And what better way to give back to the community than to help provide homes to those who really need them.

Let Perfection Architectural Systems help you with your next building project. Contact us today to learn more about how Perfection Architectural Systems supports lifecycle building for a greener tomorrow. If you have any questions regarding our materials or our reuse and recycling tactics, please call us at (407) 671-6225 or fill out our “Quick Contact” form and we’ll be happy to assist you.


3 Major Benefits of Sunshades

Sunshades are a wonderful addition to any type of building, giving you a cost effective way to enhance your structure with a number of added benefits. Not only are sunshades extremely customizable, they can fit just about any type of structure, whether it’s for a restaurant or an office building. Whether you are just adding a little aesthetic enhancement to your building or you want to save energy costs, there are many benefits to incorporating sunshades to an existing structure.

They provide energy-saving benefits. Sunshades can offer between 30% and 60% reduction of direct sun absorption, and can reduce the amount of heat that the building absorbs. This results in less energy used to cool down the building!

Sunshades can protect from UV rays. If you’re taking a break outside, standing under a sunshade can provide you protection from the sun while enjoying a beautiful sunny day. This is a perfect addition to any office building for those taking breaks or lunches outside.

Aluminum sunshades are affordable and lightweight. They also add a nice touch to the look of a structure and can be installed just about anywhere. Sunshades are very customizable, and can be designed to match the look of your building.

Whether you are looking for a sunshade for aesthetic purpose or for money saving benefits, Perfection Architectural Systems helps you incorporate customizable sunshades into any type of project. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to get started on your next design!


Cleaning Aluminum Awnings and Canopies

Aluminum awnings and canopies are cost-effective way to help reduce indoor temperatures and to provide energy saving benefits to buildings and structures. You may not often think about how to clean aluminum canopies, but if not properly maintained, they can become dirty and damaged.

Make sure to keep trees and debris off of the aluminum structure to avoid damaging the paint or the finish. This can lead to oxidization, similar to rust in iron.

Remove as much dirt as possible with just water.You can purchase aluminum solvent to help ease the process of cleaning, or you can use a mild soap to wash off the remaining dirt.

Don’t leave any excess cleaning residue on the aluminum and be sure to rinse the aluminum thoroughly. A pressure cleaner is a common tool used to clean aluminum awnings. However, care should be taken to avoid damaging the canopy with high pressure.

Perfection Architectural Systems provides long-term canopy solutions for commercial projects that will exceed your expectations. Aluminum solutions can enhance the look of your business while providing you with energy saving benefits. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to learn more about how we can help you construct high quality aluminum awnings and canopies.


Aluminum Commercial Canopy Finishes

Choosing a finish for your commercial canopies or awnings may not be something that a lot of people consider when constructing a long term canopy solution. Depending on the project and requirements, aluminum canopies can have an anodized finish or a painted finish with a range of colors.

Paint or a anodized coating is generally applied to aluminum to protect it from oxidation. Which is the process in which oxygen molecules come in contact with something, in this case aluminum, and creates aluminum oxide, similar to when iron rusts. Painted finishes are available in a wide range of colors and durability. Kynar painted finishes are among the most durable painted finishes and is designed to resist weather, aging and salt. Painted finishes are especially resistant and are one of the best means of protecting your commercial canopies.

At Perfection Architectural Systems, we offer a variety of products that are available in an assortment of finishes. Our finishes meet the requirements of any project, while offering you a range of anodized finishes and paint applications to best suit your canopy solution. We construct high quality aluminum canopy solutions for every project while handling every task in a courteous and professional manner. Call us at 407-671-6225 to learn more about our commercial canopies and aluminum awnings and to start your project today.

Aluminum Canopies and UV Protection

Aluminum awnings can be used in a number of different applications on construction projects, and is one of the most popular systems that architects use to protect those outside from the sun. Aluminum canopy solutions not only are durable and long lasting, but they require little maintenance and are aesthetically pleasing.

Many people avoid thinking about how the sun and UV rays can affect them, but in reality, approximately 1 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer a year. Aluminum awnings and canopies are getting significantly more popular in construction because they not only help cool down buildings and provide for cover, but they also help reduce UV radiation. Believe it or not, even when you’re inside, UV rays can still affect you and even sun bleach your belongings.

Aluminum awnings provide shelter for those who want to step outside and get some fresh air. Avoiding harmful UV rays can be difficult if you want to go outside, but aluminum canopies provide safe protection from UV radiation while still enjoying the outdoors. They can also provide for additional outside space while enhancing the look of the building.

At Perfection Architectural Systems, we provide your business with aluminum canopies and walkway covers that will not only enhance the look of the building, but also provide you protection from UV rays. We provide quality service and long term canopy solutions that will enhance your building project, and by contacting us at 1-800-238-7207 we will be more than happy to get your project started.

Aluminum vs. Steel

There will always be an ongoing debate on whether or not aluminum is better than steel and vice versa. They can both be used in construction of architectural systems and used for building various types of transportation like cars and bikes. Each has their pros and cons, but what really is the difference?

Many say that steel is the better option, but this depends on the quality and how you’re using it. You can purchase cheaper steel but the quality is not nearly as good as higher grade steel. Steel can also be susceptible to rusting, and it’s typically not good for outdoor use, like its use in furniture or canopies. The biggest advantage of steel over aluminum is that steel is about 3 times stronger than aluminum but also  weighs much more when compared to it.

Aluminum is very lightweight compared to steel and in addition has a much higher strength to weight ratio. Although it is one third the strength of steel, it is extremely strong for its lightweight characteristics. It has a high resistance to corrosion and won’t rust in weather like steel would. It is extremely versatile and unlike steel, is extremely recyclable. Aluminum structures like aluminum awnings are also energy efficient, and help keep temperatures lower.

With its extreme versatility and aversion to weather, aluminum canopy systems are a great long term solution to cover your walkways, doorways and outside areas. At Perfection Architectural Systems, we specialize in creating aluminum canopies that last long term for every type of project. Whether you need a suspended canopy or aluminum carport, call Perfection Architectural Systems today at 800-238-7207.

Energy Saving Benefits of Aluminum Awnings & Sunshades

The use of aluminum canopy systems in commercial projects has been highly recognized as a cost-effect long term system that helps reduce energy costs while reducing temperatures inside. While offering a great alternative to blinds, aluminum awnings also provide your building with a unique aesthetic appeal. The energy saving benefits is one of the most significant benefits of aluminum canopy systems.

Aluminum awnings and sunshades can help reduce the inside temperature of a build by 20% because it blocks the sun from ever reaching the window. This makes awnings and sunshades more effective than any other window shading solution. By adding aluminum awnings to your commercial site, you can greatly reduce the amount of energy that would be used to cool the building if you only had blinds.

Contributing to a more sustainable building can be done by installing long term aluminum canopies. There is a decreased need for energy consumption resulting in a lower energy bill because you won’t need to use as much energy to cool buildings. Aluminum awnings and sunshades can also cut winter drafts resulting in less energy usage to warm a building.

At Perfection Architectural Systems, we design and construct an aluminum canopy solution that will best suit your commercial project. We construct high quality aluminum awnings and canopies that not only provide you protection from the sun, but also contribute to energy saving benefits. Call us today to learn more on how Perfection Architectural Systems can provide you with a long term canopy solution.