Category Archive: Sunshades

Help Your Business Go Green

sunshadesBusinesses today are always looking for new opportunities to save money while increasing sales. As we continue into an age where the availability of resources and environmental initiatives are often questioned, there are many pragmatic options for companies to start going green. Although going green can be an initially larger investment, it can save a company money in the long-run. Here are a few ways that can help your business increase sustainability, starting with sunshades to help energy efficiency.

Many businesses often think that going green is expensive because you have to buy all of this new technology. Sunshades are not only inexpensive, but they can be incorporated into any type of company’s building to keep you cool and your utility bills low. Energy efficiency is about cutting down on the use of fuel while saving money, both of which can be achieved with sunshades. The awnings will cool down your offices by blocking out the suns rays, and in turn, will reduce the amount of time you will need to keep on your air conditioner.

Although investing in new technology that is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly is often the first thing that comes to mind when building a sustainable business, there are many other small changes you can make too. This can include:

  • Going paperless by encouraging email usage and reducing paper use by using both sides of the paper
  • Encourage recycling in the office with paper, plastics, and even ink cartriges
  • Change the lighting in your office to more energy efficient bulbs
  • Incorporate “going green” into you business model or mission statement
  • Utilize electronic invoices, documents and statements and cut down on postage
  • Purchase products and supplies from environmental product suppliers
  • Reduce electricity by using natural lighting or turning off and unplugging things that aren’t being currently used

Going green doesn’t have to be costly, in fact, it will save you money in the long run and can bring in customers moving towards social responsibility. Perfection Architectural Systems can help you in your mission to go green by installing environmentally friendly sunshades around your business. We use reusable and recyclable materials that cut down on energy costs while encouraging energy conservation and green initiatives. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to get started on your sunshades project.


Outdoor Sunshade Uses for your Business

The outdoor area of any commercial business can use shade and cover to make the most out of your business entrance, lounging area, and even windows. The biggest question to ask yourself is, where will you need sunshade and what benefits can it bring you? There are a wide range of styles and models for any type of outdoor area, and each one can add a personalized touch to your business while adding variety and value to your property.

It’s recommended that you cover any type of lounging or sitting area with sunshades to protect patrons from the sun. Your restaurant could benefit from aluminum sunshades by covering outdoor seating. This can greatly increase your business and seating capacity in addition to giving your patrons protection from the sun and the option to dine outside. Sunshades are also a great addition to windows and entrances if you are a business owner looking to decrease your energy costs during the summer months.

Hotels and apartment complexes can also incorporate sunshades onto their property by having sunshades installed throughout the jacuzzi and pool deck. If your guests and residents want a place to relax outside without the sun beating down on them, sunshades can provide these popular areas with a getaway from the heat. Aluminum sunshades are also ideal because they don’t rust and they require little to no maintenance.

Sunshades are very suitable for open areas, especially for commercial properties that offer outdoor seating and lounging areas. It’s important for those who like spending time outside to be protected from the sun, and installing sunshades can help protect you against damaging UV rays. Aluminum sunshades can also decrease the temperature of the area by up to 20 degrees! You will feel the difference immediately after installing your aluminum sunshades.

If you’re looking for a great way of saving on energy costs, protecting guests from the sun, and adding value to your commercial property, Perfection Architectural Systems can provide your business with the most convenient and economical ways of enhancing your business. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to learn more about our aluminum awnings and sunshades, and the services we offer.

3 Types of Awnings to Consider for your Business

Awnings provide many practical and aesthetic benefits for your business but have you thought about what type of material will be the best choice to enhance your building? Metal awnings and fabric awnings are both common throughout the industry and choosing one that adds the most value to your business can be a tough decision. Lets take a quick look at some pros and cons on the variety of materials that awnings can be made of!

Fabric Awnings

•    Pros: Fabric awnings are very popular and come in a variety of different designs and colors. They are often inexpensive and can be relatively easy to care for.

•    Cons: They do not typically stand up to mildew and mold and they don’t stand a chance of holding up to severe weather. They can easily rip and will require replacement more often than other materials.

Copper Awnings

•    Pros: They can be extremely durable and can last for years. They offer an aged look and can change color over time, which can be both a pro and a con, depending on the look you want to achieve.

•    Cons: They are typically the most costly option and can tarnish very easily. Copper awnings should be maintained frequently if you want to keep them looking like new.

Aluminum Awnings

•    Pros: Metal awnings provide energy saving benefits and can protect against UV rays. They are also inexpensive, lightweight, eco-friendly and can last for many years. Aluminum sun shades and awnings need little maintenance and can be painted to match the look of your business. Aluminum awnings will keep their look for many years and offer a clean and modern feel to your building.

•    Cons: They will require installation by an experienced contractor.

Metal awnings do not require much maintenance and can be the most inexpensive and cost-efficient option to improve your business both aesthetically and practically. If you’re looking for an aluminum canopy option for your business, Perfection Architectural Systems offers long term solutions for every project. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to get started on your next aluminum canopy solution.


How Aluminum Canopies Can Help Your Business

Aluminum sunshades and awnings are beneficial not only for their energy saving benefits, but simply for the fact that they make your business look clean and professional. Businesses that are more attractive to the eye are more likely to have a better business performance. Great first impressions help attract more visitors, and with aluminum awnings, you can have a tailor-made look that matches your business’ brand.

  • Aluminum canopy systems can help enhance the look of your company, which actually brings in more business because people will be more likely to check out a store or restaurant if there is some kind of curb appeal. You can even get your awnings and sunshades finished with a color to match your business’ logo or building.
  • Not only do aluminum metal awnings make your business look fresh, but they can provide many practical benefits to you and your business. Since aluminum reflects sunlight, the amount of heat reaching the inside of your building is reduced by around 20%! This allows the building to reduce the amount of time and energy it needs to cool the building and can save you money on your energy bill.
  • Aluminum sunshades are not only durable, but they require little maintenance and can withstand harsh weather. Aluminum also helps protect against UV rays! They also provide a great way for you to enjoy some fresh air without getting sunburned.

People are turning more towards aluminum sunshades and awnings because of their variety of benefits and money saving perks. Perfection Architectural Systems provides businesses with the only choice for long-term canopy and cover solutions that help enhance many aspects of your business. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to learn how our aluminum canopy solutions can help you.


3 Major Benefits of Sunshades

Sunshades are a wonderful addition to any type of building, giving you a cost effective way to enhance your structure with a number of added benefits. Not only are sunshades extremely customizable, they can fit just about any type of structure, whether it’s for a restaurant or an office building. Whether you are just adding a little aesthetic enhancement to your building or you want to save energy costs, there are many benefits to incorporating sunshades to an existing structure.

They provide energy-saving benefits. Sunshades can offer between 30% and 60% reduction of direct sun absorption, and can reduce the amount of heat that the building absorbs. This results in less energy used to cool down the building!

Sunshades can protect from UV rays. If you’re taking a break outside, standing under a sunshade can provide you protection from the sun while enjoying a beautiful sunny day. This is a perfect addition to any office building for those taking breaks or lunches outside.

Aluminum sunshades are affordable and lightweight. They also add a nice touch to the look of a structure and can be installed just about anywhere. Sunshades are very customizable, and can be designed to match the look of your building.

Whether you are looking for a sunshade for aesthetic purpose or for money saving benefits, Perfection Architectural Systems helps you incorporate customizable sunshades into any type of project. Call us today at 800-238-7207 to get started on your next design!