The Benefits of Recycling Aluminum
Recycling aluminum conserves energy and other natural resources that we currently need and will still need in the future. This is because it takes up to 95% less energy to recycle aluminum than to produce primary metal. Therefore, by recycling aluminum, we can avoid releasing emissions (greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere that occur when producing primary metals.
The best part about using aluminum as the material for your project is that when aluminum is recycled, it does not lose its inherent properties. The life-cycle of an aluminum product is unique and through the use of only 5% of the original energy input, this same material can be recycled multiple times and be a part of many different products.
What does this mean for Perfection Architectural Systems? It means that we have the opportunity to help protect the environment by choosing aluminum as our material of choice for projects. Also, we focus on maximizing environmental opportunities in our manufacturing processes and material ordering operations. We only use qualified vendors with documented recycling policies and design our architectural systems to be completely recycled and reusable.
Trust the experts at Perfection Architectural Systems to help you design an aluminum solution that is both high quality and environmentally friendly. We can provide you with aluminum walkway covers, trellises, pavilions, suspended canopies, carports, sunshades, and even custom solar panel support systems. Call 1(800)238-7207 today to get started on your next project!
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