Finding the right company to create your next suspended canopy, aluminum roof canopy, aluminum walkway cover, solar framing, or sunshade project doesn’t have to be arduous and time-consuming.  It takes a reliable, reputable, and honest aluminum architecture business to do it (OK, that may be the hard part).  Here’s what to look for when choosing one:

  • You business needs are unique. Regardless, you need a company that understands them.  Choose a company that has extensive experience working with many different types of aluminum projects.
  • Select a company that specializes in aluminum canopy projects.  You don’t want to end up as an experiment for a company that typically works with other construction materials.
  • Choose a company that is active with projects and always has something in the works.  It can prove disastrous to work with a company that hasn’t worked on an aluminum design in years.  How would you want a company “clearing the cobwebs” on your project?
  • It’s a good sign when a company is poised to flood you with information about the work they’ve done. Galleries, testimonials, press releases, case studies…you name it.  They want to share with you the excitement they have for the work they’ve done, and how they’re looking forward to working with every potential client.
  • The company considers customer service one of its most important goals.  Good prices and good work is important, but if customer service is poor, your entire relationship and project are going to suffer from miscommunication, inefficient time management, and excessive frustration and stress.
  • Reputation and credibility are going to be key.  You want a company that has been in business for a while to have a foundation within the industry, as well as a company that has notoriety amongst partners.

These are only a few aspects of an ideal aluminum architecture company, but Perfection Architectural Systems is proud to possess all of these qualities. All of our staff understands the importance of great service, quality and reliability.  For a project you can be assured of going correctly the first time, contact us today.  Call (800)238-7207.